Sunday, October 29, 2006

The true meaning of Halloween

Halloween has long gone the way of it's cousin holidays like Christmas and Easter. Halloween which I suppose was intended to be All Souls day... although I could really give a damn because I honestly don't know what All Souls day is suppose to be.

My only concern here is the sluttyfication of what was "suppose" to be a holiday for dead people. Ever the pondering fool that I be; I realized the true meaning of Halloween after over thinking on my down time.

Halloween: a holiday where girls who are sluts deep down inside but are afraid to physically manifest this inner desire in the form of dress etc. because of fear of reprisals from society i.e family, friends; play "dress-up" to actually manifest who they are without being labeled actual sluts in real life . ( I wish Merriam-Webster would be renamed Merriam-Claudester)


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