Thursday, January 04, 2007

News for you

In a letter to the Iraqi people before being executed Saddam asked the Iraqi people not to see the U.S as invaders. Here is an excerpt from the letter:

"Remember that God has enabled you to become an example of love, forgiveness and brotherly coexistence ...

I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave a space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking and keeps away one from balanced thinking and making the right choice ...

I also call on you not to hate the peoples of the other countries that attacked us and differentiate between the decision-makers and people ..."

Thats real funny because I can clearly remember Saddam writing another letter a while ago begging international forces to intervene in Darfur and help African children get the proper nutrition and dietary supplements.

He also asked that more people donate money to the "March of Dimes" and the 'U.N Refugee program.'

He then concluded that AIDS was not a problem in Africa because it stood for
A- Africa
I- is
D- da
S- shit

--assimilated negro--

It seems that almost every two bit artist from two years ago and these aren't people or groups that can necessarily be called artist. How is it possible that B2K can have a greatest hits collection? I ponder

Don't Choose for me
A while ago I remember arguing with someone about if Dean Cook is by any means funny. They then said well I guess you don't like Dean cook, "I guess Bill Cosby is your favorite then"

well, yeah I like his style...
and another person in the same room goes..
"Nah, man he likes Richard Pryor...yeah"
WTF son!... I mean dang, just because I happen to have the same melanin levels as he did doesn't men I worship him or nothing, and just because I say that the very unfunny Dean Cook isn't in fact funny doesn't mean I like only black comedians because thats what was implied... although Dave Chappelle is the king of Comedy to me. plus Mitch Hedberg was a brilliant comedian.. until his heart got a bit too coked up... case in point..
"I saw a Wino yesterday eating some grapes and I was like damn, you gotta wait a while man'--- Mitch Hedberg

Why won't people just let O.J Simpson make his money?
I mean the system already imprisons thousands of black men on fallacious charges, so for the one that beat it after actually doing some real bad shit, wouldn't that make a real good movie about Poetic Justice?


Blogger Miz JJ said...

Dean Cook is just unfunny and I think some white comedians are funny. His ass is just dull and unintelligent. No thanks.

Uh uh. OJ needs to sit down and shut up. Writing a book called "If I Killed Her?". As they say in the West Indies he is too damn fast.

11:46 AM  

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