Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Britney spears divorces Kevin Spears

Man isn't life just so hard at times? Especially if you're Kevin Federline right now but I doubt that he's moping right now; but instead being as "gangsta and hood" as he can be...NOT!!

Thats way cold Brittney Spears! let a dude have babies with you and then dumb his add just like that? What the hell is he going to be called now and days, huh? Brittney Spears X-husband. SHOOT!! FUGETABOUTIT! If I was "K-Fed", I'd stay married and if not be like Tina Turner man...keep that last name. Kevin Spears....why?
You helped build that dynasty boy. You both made some real bad music together? Don't she remember all o'that? Yeah right, shes probably trying to clean up her act and do another crappy record all by herself K-Spears. Don't let that happen, pump sum'o babies in her. I mean whos gonna help you get some producers for yo "Gangsta, hooded out" albums man?

You did your part man, let it go K-Spears. My advice to you.... Keep the last name.
1. K-FED ---- K-SPEARS
2. Take her to the cleaners son! not only women can be gold diggers.. you already had the sleazy thang going for ya, kna'mean?


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