Saturday, December 30, 2006

Winter in MN

Winter is in full swing here in MN now and although you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking outside because theres no snow on the God forsaken ground...its bone chillinly cold outside.

Player Taking Too Long? DOWNLOAD MP3

Today was an exceptionally gloomy day with the rain fogging up the air as if to hide some approaching stranger. Anyways... I haven't practice on my acoustic guitar for a while and after listening to Leonard Cohen and Geoffrey Oryema for a while, I noticed that I was picking up on their finger picking styles. I like it a lot, its just that metal strings are a burden on the fingers. Hopefully I'll be able to get some nylon strings in the near future.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

In a perfect world

In a perfect world...everyone would watch "THE WIRE" because its a deserving show not getting any attention due the the subject it's dealing with and the demographic of the actors.

What Happened to funk?

Have you or anyone one noticed that almost every R'n'B girl now has the glowy, flowing hair, blonde look or as I call it: "identikit blonde " for all R'n'B chicks, because it seems like something you'd buy at a convenient store and with directions and everything and the next moment you walk out of your house...viola!
Case in point..

Sometimes I seriously just want to see a funky RnB chick y'know. Like Kelis or Goapele or Amel.
Now those are my kinda ladies.

Monday, December 25, 2006

How'd he die?

A day ago while reading on CNN that James Brown had died, a kid walked up behind me and said...

"Man he was cool, how'd he die? did he get shot?"

That was the saddest part to me

It's a man's world...

but it wouldn't be nothing without women and him.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Distinguishing sad from stupid

Two stories relating to the cold weather afflicting the entire nation or at least most of the northwest for that matter.

At first was the story of the family that got stuck in a snow storm only because they took a wrong turn and children lost their father because he manned-up and tried to brave the weather and get them help. James Kim dying in a snow storm was an actual tragedy.

James Kim --- just minding his business on the way to the inlaws house, got caught in a storm in a real unfamiliar place, tried to get help for the fam, nature too fierce, he died..... real sad.

On the other hand, you got these adventure seeking guys, about three of them. Whats the best thing to do when its cold as f*ck? Climb a mountain...yup. First of all I really hope that they get found and don't end up frozen or nothing like that but it seems really idiotic for people to do some shit like that. Yeah we all seek thrills every now and then but if your thrills means getting other people in harm's way just to find you... that ain't really a thrill, its something else.

Person of the year huh?

After countless hours of speculation, TIME MAGAZINE finally released their 'Person of the Year' issue.

Now this is something that I wouldn't really know how to address. According to 'Times', YOU are the person of the year because you control the information age, thanks to user controlled technologies that are fast becoming the staple of the online world.

Whatever... thanks for the award suckers.

Friday, December 15, 2006

This one time...

something dreadful happened

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


While reading my dudes post at NIGGA KNOW regarding the whole Micheal Richards snafu.
I read the post and while reading through the racist, name calling comments. I came across one comment that no philosopher or professor could ever coin... and it went something like this

Dont waste ur time being racists on the internet...
there is SO much porn u are missing out on.

'Nuff said.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Blue Screen of Death!

Well the semester is almost over and just you think you've gone through all of the curves life and circumstance has to offer. I'm hit with the Blue Screen of Death
Now if you've ever found yourself staring at a blue screen filled with a great deal of mumbo-jumbo that the average person doesn't've just been hit with tada! "The Blue Screen Of Death".
Now see, basically what this screen tells you is that your computer is in deep shit and you might as well try to salvage the best of your porno collection lest they be lost to a world of damaged and corrupted hard drives; but I'm usually not the kind of guy to fret over a problem of any sort but the B.So.D was something that I just was not ready for yet.
My computer just would not recover and no matter what I tried nothing happened and I always got the unresponsive blue screen.

"no Biggie" I'm thinking at this point. I'll just search some Tech sites and I'll have this gotdang thing up and running in no time. NOT!!!! Turns out that while I was busy using Windows 2000 because it was what my computer came with and I had nooo money to get me that new copy of XP... there was basically nothin I could do about my problem. I'd fallen by the way side in the fast paced world of Operating systems and now I'll have to pay the price for it, whats the price?

20 gigs of Movies
8 gigs of pictures
30 gigs of music
20 gigs of stuff that I didn't even know I had
unknown gig or priceless porn
and the whole nine yards.

Well I've learned my lesson and if you ever find yourself staring at the blue screen of death before it becomes fatal.... CHKDSK /F

Peace and Love world