Wednesday, February 21, 2007

BHM... again

Hello, World... if you've been anywhere in the United States during the last 22 or so days you'll notice that we are in the middle and near end of the complete circus act called "Black History Month".

Case In Point: Yesterday at a discussion about Somali culture and history because afterall yesterday was Somali Day as part of the Pan African Conference which was part of the BHM celebration. A crowd of about 250 somali high school kids walked in with about half of them on their cell phones while some Somalian professor from the University of Minnesota was on stage discussing Somali culture. It was a gotdang mess, and then some asian guy walked on stage and told the professor that he'd run outta time... 45 minutes into the discussion. He looked PISSED as hell, and went on to critisize the mediocre planning on the event and the entire somali audience in general for being talkative as they were and not giving a funk about what he was talking about--- THEM. Minutes later... SOLO a Hawaiian guy walks on stage and in my best effort to reitterate what he said, it went something like this:

" hey, hey you illiterate little kids in the audience today! Don't y'all see this man up here trying to talk about y'all culture and y'all just bring y'all illiterate and stupid assesin here trying to mess shit up?! Shouldn't y'all be more concerned about y'all own culture than other people are?! Why don't y'all pay attention and then y'all probably make something better of y'all selfs"

...a.nd the entire Somali groups began to clap... and every white or non-Somali person in the room incuding myself look bafled, is this right or should we be cupping our faces in our hands in shame some of us were thinking.... in the words of my bud Dirty Dave: "Oy, Vey!"

So as you can all see, world. The entire thing was a mess and it's always been that way for the three years that I've been at MSU.

It's even more circus like here at school where during Febuary it seems like the campus gets even louder and things just seem a bit more disorganized . I realize what the office of Institutional Diversity is trying to do here at school but you won't make most of the people here think a little different about diversity by just dumping high school kids from north Minneapolis and letting them run amock on campus... I think that might have quite the opposite effect.

Things seem to go in reverse or opposites here on compus during Black History Month. Africans all decked out in FUBU while Americans don ready- made Kente clothings and dashikis. Yesterday, I was a part of the tour given by MSU AMBASSADORS to prospective students from high schools all over the Twin Cities as part of Somali Day included in the BHM celebrations. A little nervous at first trying to lead about 150 around campus and show them why they should make the school their choice while have EVERYONE talking at the same time, and when I say EVERYONE.... I mean EVERYONE. It got to be pretty funny at the end after talking to everyone for a while.

Anyways, things have been a bit hectic and I've been trying to get everything straight to make me some money in the summer.... because I need it... REAL BAD.

So what have I been up to?
3. Studying to get some scholarships by next year
4. Working here and there
5. Making some Music ( I TRY)
6. Working on my WEBSITE
7. Watching some movies
8. Plotting how to easily get rich quick and easy ( might be impossible for me)
9. Trying to write for the MSU REPORTER ...again

Oh well.... we'll see what happens World. Peace.


Blogger Miz JJ said...

That story is hilarious. There is a big Somali population where I live and to say they are not integrating with ease would be an understatement.

Good luck with all your endeavors.

10:10 AM  

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