Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Week so Far

Hey World, its been another crazy week so far and I just can't explain how crazy its been . We had a snow storm that just wouldn't quit. School got canceled (yay) but I still had to go to work (boo) because the business of America is business. Anyways... at work we have the pleasure of listening to Sirius satellite radio and it just so happens that the guy who sets the station everyday is a big lover of country music and that sucks...really sucks. You can see the difference in peoples faces when we have "country days" as I've begun to call the two days or so when we're invited to listen to twangy guitars and memories of beer by the dock and so forth. Well, everyone is cranky as hell an I usually don't get to bear the brunt of this soaking in the music because I'm only there for four hours or less, and I honestly feel bad for those people who listen to it NON-STOP.... WITHOUT COMMERCIALS because it is satellite radio and there is no escaping the songs too. Their are even speakers outside to torture you until you leave the premises.

OK, enough about that now. I'll share a funny story....

A friend of mine and I were driving to school when James Brown's song "Say it I'm black and I'm proud" came on the radio, something in relation to the circus act of Black History Month.
"Who sings this song? Isn't it that guy who died?" says the friend.
"You mean Pat Boone?" I answered.
"Wait... isn't that some old white guy?" says my friend
Laughter ensues....

OK, heres what I've been up to once again and heres what I'm going to be up to world, just in case I need an alibi.

This week
My first article in the MSU REPORTER after my one year sabbatical.
Wrapped up training for MSU AMBASSADORS.
Shoveled snow and then a bit more snow.
...whew exciting huh?
Oh wait... I partied a bit too

Next Week
Cross my fingers and wait for word from the Orientation Peer adviser job I applied for.
Run a lot in preparation for a marathon in May that I hope to participate in.
Eat a lot.
Swim... I haven't done that in such a long time.
Do a lot of Midterm papers and try to study for some quizzes.

and I think thats my life for a while... how sad huh world? oh well


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