Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The End

The Fall semester as I've known it is officially over and I couldn't be more than excited. I did sort of miraculously cruise through a good half of this semester despite some uncoventionally insane circumstances, I.E:

Passed two classes without buying a gotdang book
worked every weekday from 5-11:00 PM
How the F*&k did I pay tuition, I don't even remember that.
+ much more....

Well I couldn't be more excited for this semester to be over and the summer to start. I have a lot more better things to look forward to like working and living in the dorms, working with the MN Vikings, giving campus tours + more.

I took two pictures, one of the street I lived on in the winter and another of the same street in the Spring...

WINTER..Harsh and Brutal
I like Spring


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