Monday, July 16, 2007

Read a book please

Personally I think when it comes to the state of black people B.E.T ranks up there with diabetes, high blood pressure, WacArnold's... its just not good for black folk collective health.

I saw a video yesterday on You tube that I heard had been shown on B.E.T and in my opinion is the best damn thing to ever come out of that worthless channel.

A leashed Child

Today I saw a kid with a cast on his arm so his arm must have been broken. Even more bizzare was the fact that he had a leash attached to his back ( with a harness and everything) like a a human Shetland pony, the kid was only about 3 from what I could gather but dang..... if he's that rowdy already... I want to holla at him in 24 or so years to see what Pen hes going to be in.