Saturday, August 18, 2007

Everyday is a discovery day

I wake up everyday and just happen to find new things and one of my favorite new things to find is off course MUSIC. With the advent of youtube, finding music has become a breeze and I can watch some pretty old school videos on Youtube that I would not be able to get on any so called music channels. Within the past 2-3 months I've been discovering new music like a gold rush and I present to you some of my faves....

1. Thin Lizzy-- I'm still in love with you


2. Joan Jett and Black Hearts --- Crimson and Clover

(old song redone with a heavier edge, heard it before but just saw the vid recently)

3. Paul Mcartney --- Uncle Albert

( The butter wouldn't melt so I put it in the pie)

4. Niel Young--Old Man

( great song, great artist...great, great, great)

5. Sheriff-- When I'm with you

( Some songs just don't get credit and this one deserves it)

6. labi Siffre

( My favorite singer/songwriter.)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Read a book please

Personally I think when it comes to the state of black people B.E.T ranks up there with diabetes, high blood pressure, WacArnold's... its just not good for black folk collective health.

I saw a video yesterday on You tube that I heard had been shown on B.E.T and in my opinion is the best damn thing to ever come out of that worthless channel.

A leashed Child

Today I saw a kid with a cast on his arm so his arm must have been broken. Even more bizzare was the fact that he had a leash attached to his back ( with a harness and everything) like a a human Shetland pony, the kid was only about 3 from what I could gather but dang..... if he's that rowdy already... I want to holla at him in 24 or so years to see what Pen hes going to be in.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The End

The Fall semester as I've known it is officially over and I couldn't be more than excited. I did sort of miraculously cruise through a good half of this semester despite some uncoventionally insane circumstances, I.E:

Passed two classes without buying a gotdang book
worked every weekday from 5-11:00 PM
How the F*&k did I pay tuition, I don't even remember that.
+ much more....

Well I couldn't be more excited for this semester to be over and the summer to start. I have a lot more better things to look forward to like working and living in the dorms, working with the MN Vikings, giving campus tours + more.

I took two pictures, one of the street I lived on in the winter and another of the same street in the Spring...

WINTER..Harsh and Brutal
I like Spring

Friday, May 04, 2007

A True Story

It was just a while ago that I read NIcholas Power's article "The Gropes of Wrath" on Village Voice regarding Police harassment and it brought one of my own very first experiences with the police to mind.

This is a story that I tell every friend of mine who is a law enforcement major or every law enforcement major I meet and happen to talk to in general. It's also something that comes back to mind 'EVERY TIME' I see a police squad car or come across a police officer. It's amazing even to me because thinking back now I can see how wrong and prejudiced this guy who stopped me for no reason was.

The Story
I was about 15 years old and had just come to Minnesota to visit my Aunt for the Summer. It was the early summer and it was still a bit cool and not as hot as it was in Oklahoma at the time. I liked Minnesota right away, everything was green and people were nice, really nice. I spent a lot of otime talking to my Aunt's neighbors and hanging outside of the house despite the flocks of mosquitoes waiting to get any chance at filling up.

At about three weeks into my stay at my Aunt's house. I'd become more comfortable with the area and one night I wanted something sweet and I decided to walk to a Super America convinient store which wasn't more than five minutes away from the house. It was warm and I had nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts on that that looked like boxers.

I had to cross a pretty busy road and walk through a brush field to get to the store. I crossed the road, and half way through the field a car pulled up right next to me. This car didn't just 'pull up', it swerved so fast that I thought I was unfortunately in the wrong place during an accident and thats when a bright light swept from my face down to my feet. I didn't see the white section of the car until the light had gone down the full length of my body. Something told me... "you should be running, right now", but I wasn't; I'd never dealt with the police before and had no idea as to what the hell was going on.

"HEY!.... Where You going?" Somebody said from the car. I was still a bit stunned from the light being shone in my face, so I just stood there and didn't answer for a good 2-3 minutes.
"You Hear Me!?" the person yelled again. "Umm... to buy Butterfingers", my eyes darted about because I was really confused as to what the hell this police guy was asking where I was going ( this was when I really liked The Simpsons and they'd advertised butterfingers on the show all the time)

"Oh yeah? Well we're looking for someone that kinda looks like you", at this point he opened his car door, got out and walked towards me. "Turn Around" he said, "Somebody that looks like me?" I asked the guy whom if I can clearly remember must have been in his late 30's to early 40's. "What was he wearing?" I asked again as he lifted my shirt and patted me down.
"T-Shirt and Boxers." he answered back just as quickly as I'd asked. "Got any I.D?"....
"Yeah I do but I don't have it in my boxers" (I'd just gotten a state I.D and I carried it almost everywhere with but not this time) "Been arrested before?", "How old are you?"........"No", "15" I answered in single word answers. "You sure?....", "amazing"....... I stood as he looked at me, this time with his flash light on.

"Get in the car, lets go get your ID" he said as he stood behind me. At this point , I was ready to shit on myself because I had no idea what the hell was going on. I was 15, had never had as much as more than two words with the police and here I was being put in the back of a squad car.

The door slammed behind me as he walked to the driver's side. The backseat of a police car is the most frightening place I've ever imagined and although I was close to only five feet in height, I still had to sit sideways to stretch my feet. All I could think of while in the back of that car was 'what the hell is going on'?

"I just moved here" I abruptly said, "I live with my Aunt, but I'm only going to be here for the summer though" ....... not a single word was uttered from the front seat as he calmly asked for directions to my Aunt's House. Once there He parked the squad car as close as possible to the door, got out and opened my door. "com-an" he said in an almost New York like accent. I got out of the car walked into the house , ran upstairs and frantically searched for my I.D. In what seemed like forever but must have been 2-3 minutes. I ran down the stairs and nearly losing my balance, stumbled downstairs. "Whoa... careful there fella" he said with his hands on his waist... on his holster.

"Here...." I said as I handed him my I.D, almost out of breath. He stared at it and called in on his radio, I stood there for what seemed an even longer time and waited. About 5 minutes later, he handed me back my I.D and walked out....................

I held my I.D and sat at the bottom of the stair with my heart beating at the speed of light. I was so frightened, I couldn't even walk back upstairs and instead opted to walk a few feet to the living room where I collapse on the most comfy sofa I could find to be awaken by my Aunt.

In retrospect... I realize that what happened to me was wrong and unlawful and extremely prejudiced. I've realized that not running when that car pulled up next to me so fast was the best thing I did that day, I realized that another thing I could have done that day to make that 'officer' pay for what he did was to take his badge number and report what had happened to me, but I was scared..... I was only 15 and I thought my aunty would freak out if she found out that the police had picked me up. It wasn't until about four years later when I told her what had happened that she was even angrier that I didn't do the right thing and tell what had happened.

Now I know that there is nothing I can do for not reporting what had happened, I make it a personal duty of mine to tell every person majoring in law enforcement that story even going as far as talking to a Law Enforcement professor about the incident.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hey World...

Hey World I've been away for a while trying to secure some scholarships and jobs for next semester. I'm working on a meaningful post...ha yea right. It's just another post I guess. But until a video by my man Billy. Seriously though..this is an Epidemic.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Month in T.V

Anyways... its strange but I haven't watched actual T.V in a while... why bother?
I get my fix off of YouTube anyways.
Theres supposedly been an insane injustice on the last real form of democracy left in America.
Theres chatter everywhere that Sanjaya Malakar the greasy Indian kid who's literally squaeaking his way to the top does not deserve to be there. Watching this clip on MSNBC you can hear some of the reasons why some obviously oblivious or 'in-denial' reporters claim he's making it through while people better than him get the boot.
"Howard Stern is telling his listeners to vote for him"
"Theres a website called 'vote for the worst' idol'

Well well... hold ya horses folks, can't y'all see whats going on here? I mean gotdang everyone on YOutube knows it, the secret? ALMOST EVERYONE IN INDIA IS VOTING FOR THIS DUDE.
Now this isn't a new finding from me, its just what I've been hearing and... with the abundance of international phone services like Skype and what not... whos to say that its not true.

While I haven't watched T.V in a while, I did do some T.V watching yesterday and happened to turn on to VH1 to watch 'Australia's Next Top Model', man all I can say is all the girls on there are spiceless, sugarless, attitudeless, flavorless... basically anyword you can use to describe a room full of bland women... god bless America and Canada too for flavorful women.

Peace World

Monday, March 05, 2007


Today is my day folks........ why

Well, I finally got the call for the Orientation Peer Advisor job which literally means that I got the job. What the hell is an OPA? well, lets just say I get to hang out with prospective freshmen all summer, eat free cafeteria food, enjoy the scence around campus, and get paid really NIICE.

Yesterday I watched America's next top model and I liked the show right off the bat folks. My favorite people are the two plus sized models on there and I think they're the sexiest girls on that show right now, they're not "Tocara plus-sized" but they're plus sized in all the right places. Again..very niice.
I just find it funny that everyone on the show is trying to be the first in their category to win America's Next Top Model. i.e: I want to be the first plus sized, latina, African, Russian girl to win America's Next Top Model. Sooner or later there aren't going to be anymore milestones for that show and they're going to have to find the first limbless girl to win America's Next Top Model. Man that sounds terrible but oh well.... it would make for good T.V I guess.

In exactly 40 minutes, I'll be giving a campus tour to about 50 high school students. I'm kinda nervous because I remember when I was in high school which wasn't that long ago and I was clueless when it came to how I was supposed to act. Oh well if any one of them wants to throw down I can do that.

Man... I don't really like to tell the world my personal stuff anymore but here it goes world. See I've only been in Love once world, ONCE; and that was avery hard ONCE. I never thought I'd cry over someone world, but heck I did. I still have a very strong connection with this person even though she's moved away and gone on with better things ( I hope) I still do wish to see her someday and rediscover what there once was, I was the sort of person to do anything for this girl. I could jump on a plane the next day if she wanted me to...anyways, I just wrote about that because I've been wondering if its possible that in my existence that I'll ever find anyone like this person... and if I don't maybe she'll still be there wanting to take me back. Maybe.

ok world... that was a little too much information.