Saturday, November 19, 2005


" Over dreams, I have picked out a perfect come true
Though you never knew it was of you I've been dreaming
The sandman has come from too far away
For you to say come back some other day"
So I spent the entire day listening to Overjoyed by stevie Wonder, well not the entire day but most of it, I am so hungry today. Its a good hunger you see....I hunger for family and friends, That time of the year is rolling around. I cant wait to see whos gotten fatter, smaller, taller, grayer...ahh the simple pleasures. Ok so i slept for a total of 2 hours last night and now to say the least, I'm a bit jittery. I have a recurring dream where it seems like I'm always being killed, but I usually come back. Tonight its some box wine and Nat King Cole!


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