Monday, November 07, 2005

The aftermath

ok so I watched the BOONDOCKS yesterday and yessss i was a bit dissappointed because the series premiere wasnt all that funny maybe a bit. Its way better to read something in the comics pages and make your own judgement about how things went after the words. Theres already a controversy about it and the use of a certain i never saw that one coming. I have my fingers crossed, printing ads, business cards....the launch is coming soon!
So I basically spent the entire day..well half of the day shipping stuff I'd sold on Ebay. Getting the money transfered into your account is sweet but shipping those products will wear you down.
Today i wore my lucky boots...worn by my friend in Baquba, Iraq...standard military issue. its got scuff marks on it from running around in battles and stuff..good stuff. He came back telling me stories of dropping guys while they were running across streets and how they dropped and shook for a while before expiring, pretty gruesome stories. Today I'm going to create more stuff on my Flash, Dreamweaver and photoshop today, write some papers and then fall asleep.....thats the life.


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