Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Black Rocker Show

I've been watching Ego Trip's "The White Rapper Show" on VH1 for a while now and to say the least, its a very entertaining show. a little over the top and whatnot but nevertheless entertaining.

If you haven't seen the show or heard about it.... the basic premise goes something like this:

"Eight or nine white rappers come together to battle each other lyrically and maybe physically (manly female rapper gently slaps another contestant in the 'White House' with her Dildo in a scene on the verge of a freakish soft-core feature) until the weakest fall by the wayside leaving one person to walk away with the $150,000 purse and fade into oblivion a few weeks later.

Now after watching the show for a while I thought to myself, maybe I could do a similarly themed show you know. Something to spice T.V up a little bit. I mean Jimmy Kimmel had already done his version but with Black Yodelers instead and it was funny as hell and pretty good I might add. Mine on the other hand would be serious.

I think it wouldn't be too fat fetched to have a show where black kids who loved doing something other than rapping could get on T.V and maybe get noticed by record companies. I'm pretty sure that there are thousands of black kids who love to rock out and make their guitar wail.
Which brings another random thought to my mind: If every kid in every low income neighborhood guitars in abundance like they have basketballs , what would the rock music scene look like in 10 years?

speaking of making a guitar wail, I went to my local guitar shop and road tested a GUITAR (Gibson SG to be exact) I'm interested in having sometime in the future and I was in love from the moment I held it to when I put it down thirty minutes later.
Thats something i really hope to get sometime in the summer after slaving any way I can and paying all my money to f---ing MNSU.


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