Saturday, December 03, 2005

la jolie fille ne pas pleurent

"When the whole world fits inside of your palm, do you really need to pay attention to the Alarm?"

I've been on a slow spiral lately. My sleep schedule isn't getting any better. I sleep in the day and stay awake at night. I'm a nocturnal nightmarish wreck.

It's been a while since I've watched WWF wrestling, I stopped believing when I was 15, man I couldnt believe i was fooled for that long. I remember wanting to fight someone when they said wrestling and all the great drama that unfolded every night was fake...FAKE!!! I'll show you fake!!!!

Well..anyways I woke up yesterday to find the TV tuned to wrestling, being that I was so tired and couldn't make myself to wake up, I was forced to watch and to tell the truth I felt like it was real, those wrestlers are great actors man...well them and some criminals that lie in court.

What do you do on a day like this when the weather is terrible...very very terrible. i can't go for a walk or a run, I dont like being shut in, its a terrible feeling.

I have a lot to do before Winter Break, i just hope that i can get it done in time...time is a terrible thing when you're behind, when you're ahead time seems insignificant.

I'm happy to see my younger sister again...she makes my heart smile.

I haven't done much designing or anything lately, I'm catching up on some sleep and my own thoughts for the moment. I can't wait for Spring, i love to see the ice melt and the water rushing down the drains, the new grasses growing...spring is a great time to be alive, winter....not so great.

I'm looking foward to a NANO for a Christmas gift, not that I'm an ungrateful person or anything, but I can tell you that I'll be real mad if I get some stupid pair of shoes and a dress shirt for christmas...I could walk barefooted for all I care...just get me NANO momma.

War is a terrible thing man...all these 19 and something year olds dying in IRAQ, the news just says something like "Eleven others were injured", but it doesnt say how they might be disfigured for the rest of the lifes or how they might never look and feel like the person they once were.

--I remember watching "OVER*THERE" and this marine said something like this--
" During the Civil Rights era, the people or Montgomery and the surrounding areas would get together every Friday and pray, this really give them strength to continue fighting for what they believed in and they were somewhat able to win that fight, these Arabs pray two times every day, they're ready to die on a do you think we're ever going to win ?"


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