Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
E.V cooked his noodles by splattering it with squeezed lemon juice and hot sauze...crazy bastard.
Whats the best thing about working on a boat? Watching all the office types as they come out for a walk and stare at you wishing they were out on the MISSY riding the stern of a powerful boat and doing it like a pirate.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
A day in the life...

Welcome to a day in the life folks,a day in the life of a deckhand; not glamorous but damn well adventurous.
Some facts about being a deckhand.
- You don't get to rest often
-you learn how to tie knots and throw twirls until you're almost too good
-The river is sweet to be on
-Your boat usually has a very stupid name
-Your captain's usually sickly and wouldn't cont'd... stand a few hours jumping from barge to barge like you do.
-Bumps are the scariest things next to the flow of the river on a windy day
-feeling like huckleberry finn.
A few facts...
Did anyone know a barge can carry about 169 semis once fully loaded. They look pretty small from outside but they are huge.
-Confined spaces are nothing to mess with
-Being a deckhand means sitting and enjoying the river when you have a few minutes of downtime out of 10-12 hours
These are just a few moments in the life of being a DeckHand. More to come soon
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Just a Thought
and I've tried everything but suicide
but its crossed my mind
I prefer peace..wouldn't want to have any worldy possesions
but essentially I'm an animal and what do I do with all the agrrrression
Life is a one way street aint it? if I could paint it I could see myself going in the right direction
So I'll go all the way, like I know where to go but I'm only guessing
it's even dark in the day light
when I'm lost and find myself looking in the *** direction
......but it was just a thought
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Photoshop lesson 1 (Create a 3-D picture)
-I opened two images
-The first one the ORIGINAL IMAGE and the second one a PHOTOSHOP (psd) document of the same size as the original

3. Create a new layer (shift+ctrl+n) and paint it about the same background color as your image using the Paint Bucket tool.

4. After positioning the layers in order, open the Layer properties menu and go to BLENDING OPTIONS. Give the first layer an OPACITY of 25% if you have 4 layers; I had 3 layers and therfore gave mine an OPACITY LEVEL of 30% instead.
After playing with the OPACITY, move the layers around a bit to create the effect.
-Move the bottom layer about six spaces right using the right arrow key
-Move the second layer about four spaces
-Move the top layer about two spaces
-Last of all....experiment and make it your own, move it something

5. Finished Image

A new look
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Language school
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
--what the problem is, I don't know--
Friday, June 09, 2006
A rant and a rave

Today I happen to have a rant and a rave....Here goes.
All internet web surfers...if you're reading this page using internet explorer,
you're probably accumulating spyware as we speak. Since I discovered FIREFOX I havent gone back.
It's customizable, faster, safer...and doesnt innundate you with un-needed little
tid bits like IE.
Rant: Star Jones, yes her
I would really like to know how its possbile for someone to look more terrible after losing weight than they did when they weighed more than your average obesed person.

Monday, June 05, 2006
Geekster Jokester
- The George Bush Virus - Causes your computer to keep looking
for viruses of mass destruction. - The John Kerry Virus - Stores data on both sides of the disk
and causes little purple hearts to appear on screen. - The Clinton Virus - Gives you a permanent Hard Drive ; with NO
memory - The Al Gore Virus - Causes your computer to keep counting and
re-counting - The Bob Dole Virus - Makes a new hard drive out of an old
floppy - The Lewinsky Virus - Sucks all the memory out of your
computer, then
e-mails everyone about what it did - The Arnold Schwarzenegger Virus - Terminates some files,
leaves, but will be back - The Mike Tyson Virus - Quits after two bytes
- The Oprah Winfrey Virus -Your 200GB hard drive shrinks to
100GB, then slowly expands to re-stabilize around 350GB - The Ellen Degeneres Virus -Disks can no longer be inserted
- The Prozac Virus - Totally screws up your RAM, but your
processor doesn't care - The Michael Jackson Virus - Only attacks minor files
- Last but not least The Lorena Bobbitt Virus Reformats your hard drive
into a 3.5 inch floppy...then discards it through Windows(can someon please tell me who this bobbit person is?)
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Duck Crossing

Today while driving back home I came across something that was a bit funny yet touching. Sitting in a car across from me was a car and in this car was the THUGGEST, ROUGHEST, Gangbangest thug looking dude I'd ever seen. He was parked right there in the middle of the road, what the hell? I thought.
On a second glance....I saw a group of about two or three ducklings crossing the street to get to the lake on the other side of the street.
I must have sat there about a good minute and stared at this dude after the ducks had walked was funny and human at the same time