Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Talk like a pirate day?

Seriously what the fuck is going on with people? I doubt that somewhere in this world theres a little starving kid worrying about perfecting their "pirate-speech".
Speaking of which...I'll go on about on of my greatest pet peeves in the history of written speech.

Two words that piss me off, well not necessarily piss me off but people who use them without regards as to how and where they should be placed. I mean come on, mom and dad are paying all that money so your dumbass won't have to live like the poor and no good people who can't afford higher education right? Moving on....

Their - They're
your - You're

I've seriously seen people with the so called highest of higher education misused these words and sometimes I just wished I had some white out handy to do my part to the fortunates yet idiotics of society.

Today...I'm feeling very Ranty....yeah thats what I said


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