Thursday, February 01, 2007

United States of Stupidity

Somethings about the news make you wonder if some people really have some common sense. Things will always be what they are, stupid people get to be in high places while even stupider people advise them on how to run an average brained population.

Watching the news yesterday or a two days ago, I saw the so called scare that happened in Boston after a marketing campaign for the show Aqua Teen Hunger Force went horribly wrong because police other law enforcement agencies had mistaken the blinking boxes with a cartoon character for bombs. Similar signs had been placed in New York and L.A but being that people in Boston were actually retarded idiots who had no children and never ever watched television, the cartoon character on the boxes were mistaken for messages on bombs. All of this problem could have been solved if only the chief of Boston police was a 13 year old kid who would actually understand that terrorist have no real clue what Adult Swim is or what the show Aqua Teen Hunger Force actually was about.

Speaking of Police, this story is just too unreal. I'd have more to say but its almost shocking and very sad. The poor woman had no one on her side. I just hope that she can get a stupendously large sum of money from the city of Kansas, MS. Although no amount of money could alleviate the kind of pain she suffered and will continue to suffer. Why do police always assume that someone they're talking to is lying? I thought it was 'To Protect and Serve'... whatever, thats all bullshit that only suburban soccer moms believe anyways.

On another story regarding police. A sheriff's wife was killed somewhere in Florida after two men followed her from the grocery store. She calls her husband to tell him what was happening and he responds with two deputies and one of them ends up getting killed. The sheriff survives but his wife and the two gunmen are killed.
... something smells fishy to me. You sure about your story there sheriff?

I was actually watching T.V not too long ago and happened to come upon Fox News when I saw something about an alert flashing in ridiculously huge red letters.
It read: ALERT : San Francisco Mayor Newsom apologizes for affair with aide's wife
Fox News happened to run the entire interview while Gavin Newsom apologized for what had happened. He appeared very honest and didn't try to hide anything, so I don't feel like theres going to be any hoopla about it, I was a bit disappointed though because Newsom was one of the best Mayors in the country and he'd run San Francisco very well and included everyone in the city governing effort.
Anyway, at this time Fox was the only cable news or news network foro that matter running this press conference. I think it had something to do with the fact that Newsom is a Democrat and fiercely liberal. I just hope that it doesn't change anything within San Francisco and that those affected by the scandal can reconcile things and get on with what they do best.


Blogger Miz JJ said...

I heard about that bomb scare in Boston. My favorite were the two performance artists who refused to talk about once they were released. Their press conference was one of the funniest I have seen in awhile.

10:53 AM  

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