Sunday, December 04, 2005

I am still a Minor (in a good way)

Today, I took a test to find out my real age and after answering some mundane questions and some pretty interesting ones, I found out that my real age is 14.4 years, its like I have to start all over again. Dang this is not gonna be good.

Today is very very cold....very very cold, It's even colder coming from the gym dripping in sweat in bone chilling temperatures. I have a lot on my mind at this moment. Sundays are slow in Mankato. If i was home I'd just be getting back from church, going to Bed because although i love Jesus, it really sucks to sit in the same spot for over two hours.

Today I watched a recording of myself that I took a few years ago when I'd just gotten to Mankato and I was astonished to see how much things (me) have changed.

Time is fast approaching for the demise of Stanley "Tookie" Williams, whos about to be took by the angel of death a.k.a (lethal injection) for killing four people. Man I dont think that killing people who have commited crimes solves anything but I do think Stanley should have to pay for some shit he did. He killed them innocent people, especially the poor guy at the grocery store when he told him, "you can take the money man, just don't hurt me". Even Stanley told people that for something upwards of 30 years he was hell-bent on causing trouble. there's one thing I have to say.....Your books are good and show that you have changed Stanley, and they will live on forever ( I think) but you my brother has got to DIE. you know I'm not serious right?

I am hungru and need to eat something.....


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