Friday, December 09, 2005

I think, I think, I think and I thought

I'm waiting for the big news tommorow, is it going to be Bush, Lineart, or Young? personally I'm leaning towards Bush. Though Lineart would be a good choice, I think Bush carried the game with his crazy acrobatics.

Young would be a good choice but, his team's in second and I just wouldn't be happy to see Texas win.

So I'll go to bed early, wake up early, turn on my TV tommorow and wait for the ceremony on TV.

Today....I'm really angry, I think or thought. While watching the news yesterday, I saw that the "MAN" was authorized by the supreme court to take money from the social security check of some eighty year old guy because he owed money in student loans...#@!*%#%$!

If I may break this down for you please,
-Students currently owe 5 Billion dollars in Student loans
-The war in Irag costs approximately the U.S 57 Billion dollars a month
- So we might estimate that the costs accrues to 1.9 billion dollar a day ( thats a lot of expired presidents)
- So we might say "If we just chilled in Iraq for a month or so, a lot of students would get to go to school including a lot of soldiers who signed up for educational bonuses and got shipped out.

Sometimes even I think I make no sense in what I'm saying. i just go on and on and on.

Apart from the Heisman ceremony on T.V tommorow, I have nothing to look foward to, stupid winter weather.


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