Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I heard a song yesterday and it was just so enchanting.... the topic was a bit on the wrong side but it was a funny song. Maybe I should heed Harry Belafonte's advice.
Get An Ugly Girl To Marry You
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life,
Never make a pretty woman your wife.
So from my personal point of view,
Get an ugly girl to marry you.


A pretty woman makes her husband look small,
And very often causes his downfall.
As soon as he marries her, then she starts,
To do the things that will break his heart.

But if you make an ugly woman your wife,
You'll be happy for the rest of your life.
An ugly woman cooks meals all the time,
She'll always give you peace of mind.


Don't let your friends say you have no taste,
Go ahead and marry anyway.
Her face is ugly, her eyes don't match.
Take it from me, she's a better catch.


Say, man?
Hey baby!
I saw your wife the other day.
Yeah, and she's sure is ugly. Ha!
Yeah, she's ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
Yeah, alright.
Unfortunately, she has acne.
That's a shame, baby.
Yeah, baby.
( dang these guys are hilarious--this is just my part)

Bye bye Boondocks

After hearing official press releases from Aaron Mcgruder himself that the Boondocks would be canceled from all newspaper circulation, I felt a mix of different emotions.
After being a reader of the Boondocks since 1999 and the owner of all of the compilation books, I'm waiting for something new from Aaron.
News reports from ABC NEWS reported that Mcgruder would begin working on a feature film release based on the comic strip. I feel a bit torn because as a long time Boondocks reader, it felt great knowing that some people just didn't get it and that it was just too "controversial" for some lame ass newspapers.

Does the mass marketing first begining with the series on Adult Swim ( although I loved it and was at first afraid that it would just be a mockery of Mcgruder's ideas ) and now the alledged movie in the works based on the strip; but being a fan and not a contributor, its not my place to say whats best from the author's point of view...and I trust that Aaron Mcgruder will work nothing but magic as he has always done.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Saints are back home?

Watching the game with the New Orleans Saints vs. The Atlanta Falcons yesterday, I couldn't help to think one thing. Man this could not have been scripted any better. Is it possible that Mike Vick could mess up that much without feeling sorry for the jubilant New Orleans Saints?

I mean come on, what a great way to psyche up a team you're about to play... take them to the most devastated parts of your city, show them some great destruction ( dont get me wrong people...Katrina was a bitch) and while they're still in that moment of semi shock/sorry, play them in front of screaming fans who only want to see a fairy tale story; and in a way so was all of America and who is Micheal Vick and the infallible Falcons to take that away from the Saints.

No worries though folks... the now jubilants saints will soon be back from that grace period allowed to them just so that they wouldn't be moved to some "NFL deprived city" as aptly put by

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Talk like a pirate day?

Seriously what the fuck is going on with people? I doubt that somewhere in this world theres a little starving kid worrying about perfecting their "pirate-speech".
Speaking of which...I'll go on about on of my greatest pet peeves in the history of written speech.

Two words that piss me off, well not necessarily piss me off but people who use them without regards as to how and where they should be placed. I mean come on, mom and dad are paying all that money so your dumbass won't have to live like the poor and no good people who can't afford higher education right? Moving on....

Their - They're
your - You're

I've seriously seen people with the so called highest of higher education misused these words and sometimes I just wished I had some white out handy to do my part to the fortunates yet idiotics of society.

Today...I'm feeling very Ranty....yeah thats what I said

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Where do I want to go...

Someone once asked me...."Hey man where in the world do you want to go"?
and I thought first..."I don't want to go to Europe"
Maybe I'll go to India....wait, they'd all call me Eddie Murphy or something
or maybe China....then they'd call me "_----_---_--"
or maybe the motherland.... the cradle of life and the epitome of death
but that sounds too harsh....I'll take it

True Story

This girl I know....she's always sad
whenever I talk to her I feel so bad, and helpless and so far away
I wish I could help....lend a short hand or anything.
She'll never be happy.....unless she's with me.

True story

Gotta struggle man..

What makes life good man...?
Living those struggles man... a life struggled through is a life worth living. You aint gotta go find yourself on an expensive journey across poor lands to show the locals what you have, or go to another country to "experience" some new shit. Once you've struggled through your know who you are man...but a nice vacation would be nice every now and then.
Thats not to say that it aint nice to live like a baller until even the pig police get mad at how stupendous your carriage've been through the struggle man....aint gotta go bhuddist to know all of lifes principles or how to treat another person.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Like a knight of old....with her smile for a sword she slayed me

It was on a saturday at the state fair and I'd gone with my buddies Ali and Oliver
We'd just gotten through eating some enourmous turkey legs each and took a short walk over to
the bazaar.

A few minutes into walking through the bazaar...I saw this girl
pearl of the orient...and I remember saying to Oliver, "That girl is gorgeous"
just as she walked past. She was with her parents who were white so we figured that she was
adopted or something else, but she heard what I'd said and she giggled.

A few feet away I turned around and said to Oliver, "That girl is just too beautiful",
and just as I pointed at her...She turned towards me as if knowing that right at the moment someone would be admiring her..... Smiled and waved at me.

Like a knight of old....with her smile for a sword she slayed me. I melted and remember telling Oliver..."I love that girl, although I'll possibly never ever see her in my life again".....I was crushed.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Better not be ran a story on its home yesterday speculating the death of the crocrodile himself. Why? Where? When? All I know is that "it better not be true"?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Lady sings the Jazz

It's good to sit and listen to Sarah...such a graceful lady. Don't you all wish you could have her?
Sarah Vaughn that is, the most underrated Jazz singer; with a voice like hers I like to wonder why more people aren't familiar with her than say Etta James or Billie.
A night all alone with Sarah brings you back to you and makes things almost new.
Whatever it is shes now my most favorite singer behind Billie of course. I mean who could take Billies place? Maybe Minnie Ripperton aka Hummingbird. All in all I'm very indecisive and tend to drag my feet on things. This is great...I like how I come to conclusions. Maybe Philosophy is my true calling...

What do you know, its already September...boy time flies or should I say something else.
I'm dragging my feet in knee deep mud but who gives a damn...shit no one thats what I say.