Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Black Rocker Show

I've been watching Ego Trip's "The White Rapper Show" on VH1 for a while now and to say the least, its a very entertaining show. a little over the top and whatnot but nevertheless entertaining.

If you haven't seen the show or heard about it.... the basic premise goes something like this:

"Eight or nine white rappers come together to battle each other lyrically and maybe physically (manly female rapper gently slaps another contestant in the 'White House' with her Dildo in a scene on the verge of a freakish soft-core feature) until the weakest fall by the wayside leaving one person to walk away with the $150,000 purse and fade into oblivion a few weeks later.

Now after watching the show for a while I thought to myself, maybe I could do a similarly themed show you know. Something to spice T.V up a little bit. I mean Jimmy Kimmel had already done his version but with Black Yodelers instead and it was funny as hell and pretty good I might add. Mine on the other hand would be serious.

I think it wouldn't be too fat fetched to have a show where black kids who loved doing something other than rapping could get on T.V and maybe get noticed by record companies. I'm pretty sure that there are thousands of black kids who love to rock out and make their guitar wail.
Which brings another random thought to my mind: If every kid in every low income neighborhood guitars in abundance like they have basketballs , what would the rock music scene look like in 10 years?

speaking of making a guitar wail, I went to my local guitar shop and road tested a GUITAR (Gibson SG to be exact) I'm interested in having sometime in the future and I was in love from the moment I held it to when I put it down thirty minutes later.
Thats something i really hope to get sometime in the summer after slaving any way I can and paying all my money to f---ing MNSU.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

King on War

Listening to this speech was sooo amazing and yet I couldn't believe that i hadn't or haven't heard it yet. After x number of years.... it still carries a hefty dose of significance. People whould really really appreciate King.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wait... what?

A few days ago I received a message on Facebook from someone who I'd never meet before and who I'd probably not want to meet anyways.

After this lady person had preceded going through my pictures and what not, they thought they'd find it fitting to write a short note to me describing what was on their mind. Being that I really hate getting random shit from people I don't know and don't want to get to know , I replied to this note in what I'd call an almost critical manner... I'll let the rest of the actual conversation via notes speak for themselves. I'll call this lady person: Girl That Should Never Ever Again Write Me (GTSNEAWM) simple enough..

GTSNEAWM: whats good with you i was just stopping by to show some love i like your page its tight that is kewl you listen to a diff tune every month and what you doing with that big bun you in a contest damn sexy i like your pics to your pretty goot looking and if you be staying in kato we aint that far from eachother im about 20 min from lake crystal and shit so yea hit me up if you would like ight latz hit me up though for reals
Jan 12, 11:56 am

I really couldn't understand you... you could write me a note in proper english you know, just because I'm black doesn't mean I type in slang.
Jan 13

GTSNEAWM: im sorry i just thought we could get to know eachother i didnt mean anything bad i like your page it was nice alright write me back if you want to now or not
Jan 13

GTSNEAWM: whats good i see you online i really do like your page your pics are nice to so write back at me

( grrrr! I mean shit some people just don't get it. If you or whoever paid for your education spent so much money every year just so you can go to school and end up writing someone a message like that, you should have made better use of that money, I'm sure there were a lot of homeless people starving while you learned nothing for so much)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Guerrilla: The taking of patty Hearst

Yesterday I somehow managed to stay up late and incidentaly caught PBS' late night showing of the the film/documentary about the 1970's kidnapping of Randolf Hearst's daughter Patty Hearst and her subsequent involvement in the SLA.
It was one of the best documentaries I'd seen on PBS in a long time and although somewhat naive in their thoughts... it was a bit of the romanticized version of Robin Hood, with the SLA demanding that R. Hearst use some of his own money to feed the poor of San Francisco by buying out Grocery stores.

There were so many twists that no written script could have been that well written. From the first reports of Hearst's kidnapping to her pleas for help to her dad asking him to "do what the kidnappers want", to her later recorded messages blasting her father as a member of the evil corporate empire that ruled the world and her renouncing of the name Patty Hearst to become 'Tania of the SLA'.

This is such a great documentary and watching it makes you develop your own opinion of people in general... highly recommended world.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I think I'm in love

Now a days this woman has been on my mind for quite a long time..especially when I'm hungry...

The always beautiful Giada De Laurentiis is the host of Food Network's Everyday Italian .

I never ever get sick of seeing this chick on T.V especially right after Class or after doing something that makes me hungry as hell. Plus shes BBBeautiful and God help me knows how to put together a slammin' hot plate.

When I'm watching the show sometimes I like to think to myself.."is it possible that God created such a species? a beautiful woman that can cook food that matches her beauty in look and taste ( although I've never tasted her food but God knows I'll have an orgasmic spasm right after my first bite)

It's like shes speaking directly to me whenever she talks directly to the camera and although I know that this is suppose to be the intended effect.. it sure does get me because I'm in a moment of pure stupor when she speaks the first word, opens the oven or dishes out something new and enticing. Am I in love or am I just hungry?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

News for you

In a letter to the Iraqi people before being executed Saddam asked the Iraqi people not to see the U.S as invaders. Here is an excerpt from the letter:

"Remember that God has enabled you to become an example of love, forgiveness and brotherly coexistence ...

I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave a space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking and keeps away one from balanced thinking and making the right choice ...

I also call on you not to hate the peoples of the other countries that attacked us and differentiate between the decision-makers and people ..."

Thats real funny because I can clearly remember Saddam writing another letter a while ago begging international forces to intervene in Darfur and help African children get the proper nutrition and dietary supplements.

He also asked that more people donate money to the "March of Dimes" and the 'U.N Refugee program.'

He then concluded that AIDS was not a problem in Africa because it stood for
A- Africa
I- is
D- da
S- shit

--assimilated negro--

It seems that almost every two bit artist from two years ago and these aren't people or groups that can necessarily be called artist. How is it possible that B2K can have a greatest hits collection? I ponder

Don't Choose for me
A while ago I remember arguing with someone about if Dean Cook is by any means funny. They then said well I guess you don't like Dean cook, "I guess Bill Cosby is your favorite then"

well, yeah I like his style...
and another person in the same room goes..
"Nah, man he likes Richard Pryor...yeah"
WTF son!... I mean dang, just because I happen to have the same melanin levels as he did doesn't men I worship him or nothing, and just because I say that the very unfunny Dean Cook isn't in fact funny doesn't mean I like only black comedians because thats what was implied... although Dave Chappelle is the king of Comedy to me. plus Mitch Hedberg was a brilliant comedian.. until his heart got a bit too coked up... case in point..
"I saw a Wino yesterday eating some grapes and I was like damn, you gotta wait a while man'--- Mitch Hedberg

Why won't people just let O.J Simpson make his money?
I mean the system already imprisons thousands of black men on fallacious charges, so for the one that beat it after actually doing some real bad shit, wouldn't that make a real good movie about Poetic Justice?