Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veterans/Memorial Day

On This day when people commemorate the achievements and sacrifices of men and women who have died in combat as civilians or combatants, I present my thoughts.

Why are wars still fought when all they will most likely create is more death, destruction and the maiming of innocent people ? Why doesn't the current conflicts that have left their marks deter more conflicts? Will wealthy nations ever stop creating better weapons that have made mass killing more efficient?

and while on the issue of commemoration.... look at these guys.
They're actually Malian soldiers who fought in the second World War to rid France of Nazi Germany. Does anyone every hear their story? Hell to-the-mofo-NO! I mean look at these guys! they're being very patriotic about how they fought bravely to protect France and "the free world", its sad that the only thing we really hear about is the D-Day invasion and how great America helped save the second only continent important to human civilization.
I could swear to God that I watch the history channel at least once every day and not once have I seen any programming dedicated to the sacrifice African soldiers made to the end of the war in Europe. To me its just proof that no matter what black people do... we'll always get shafted.

Speaking of getting shafted...whats up with the French Foreign Legion? lazy bastards always trying to find a way to let other people do their shit. All in all... whats the point in wars being fought. Veterans/ memorial day should be a testament to the horrors and sorrows of war and why they should never be fought.


Blogger Olawunmi said...

i agree. most war documentaries only celebrate the sacrifices of the "popular" armies, and never the dark faces who fought and died for causes that never concerned them directly, but who were nevertheless co-opted to single-mindedly dedicate themselves to fight alongside people who treated them like so much dirt, to die in trenches miles from home, only to suffer the indignity of never having their sacrifices appreciated.

war truly is evil, but it is in man's nature to fight. that is why we spend so much of our resources on defence when so many people are dying from hunger and curable diseases.


12:14 PM  

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