Saturday, December 17, 2005

NO GOAPELE:( and I'm leaving

I'm up at..let me see here, 2:06, writing this Blog because I missed one of my favorite women...ha well not one, but if she was. I've spent the last 3 years listening to GOAPELE and following her carreer. I got hooked when I listened to her first song "Closer", man I'd pay anything to have her sing me to sleep. I thought she'd never come around this area but She did stop by on Dec. 2 in Minneapolis and I must have been doing some other shit because I missed it and it would have been a great time. Maybe I'll see if I can check her out when I go to California.

Ok..I'm going to see my two other favorite women...Shakina and Fatima, my little sisters.
I'm saving up all my energy, I'ma gunna need 'em!

I'll wrestle with them, watch Powerpuff Girls, make Cookies, swim with my little brother, draw, paint...oh man, excitation overload. Excitation ... I dont even think thats a word, well it is now.

Sometimes its just great to forget the world, forget about yourself and just get down with the little ones, aint nothing like it, I'll tell ya man.

There is however a downside to going home, I'm saving up some positive argument for my mother, I call it the argument to save my hair. So this is how the dialoque is gonna go as soon as I get there.

Claude: Hey!!! man i missed all y'all.
Female Head of House: aint got money for a haircut boy?
Male Head of House: how you doing?...I gotta go pick something up brb.
Claude: k, pops
Female Head of House: Dear Lord, tommorows sunday, i can't have you going
to Church with Hair like that.
Claude: Huh?
Female Head of House: You look like a homeless with hair like that, you gotta cut it.
Claude: I can't...(murmurs)
Female Head of House: Oh yeah you do
Claude: The Winter's much worse in Minnesota, if I cut it, I'll get pneumonia and I
Dont have money to buy medicine.
Female Head of House: thats ok you can wear a hat.
Claude: I'm not going to cut it, period.
(This conversation will go on after I return from CHRISTmas break, ,watch for 'da sequel)


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