Tuesday, February 28, 2006

and still.....

while watching TV last night, I saw Terrence Howard on the late late show on CBS and he said something that resonated very deeply with me. He was talking about his ex wife and mentioned why is it that when you want to give a woman your all...she flees farther and faster away from you but when you just don't give a care in the world she comes looking for you and wanting to stick around. I've just realized that women are like cats, being that I had two cats instead of dogs as a kid, I understand the behavior of cats more than I understand my own actions.
Whenever someone would try to pick up a cat and pet it, they were surely guaranteed a few scratches. Even trying to call my own cat to me was something that was a challenge in itself. It seemed like just at those moments when I didn't care what my cat was doing that it would come nowhere out of the blue and jump on my lap, purring so gently that it made me feel happy it was mine. An attempt to reach out and pet it would immediately end our short moment of bonding.

still more bad dreams for me tonight. Even worse than all of the others that I'd come to have to this point.
One scene in particular is the movement of clouds close to the ground. I remember standing outside with a girl whose face i couldn't see and all of a sudden there was this blast of cold air and very thick and dark clouds decended upon the yard we were standing in, the clouds were so thick that I had to run back into the house in a crouching position. I turned around and the clouds were mimicking a waving motion and then all of a sudden a plane bigger than any aircraft I've ever seen fell from the sky right where I'd been standing and the entire ground was covered in red...something like a scene from "War of the Worlds" when the Aliens were liquifying humans and spraying their fluids across the open fields. It's not described as vivid as it was when i had it but trust me people it was the most frightening thing I've ever dreamed up.

moving on to a lighter subject, I've been pleased so far with the job Aaron Mcgruder has done on the TV production of the Boondocks. At first when I'd heard about the Boondocks coming to TV, my mood was that of cautious enthusiasm, it was not until after a few episodes that I begin to truly feel that it was be a good show that would be back for a second run.

A few days from now saturday, we will play our first Rugby tournament Frozen Dip.
I'm excited and can't wait.


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