Thursday, December 29, 2005

Don't talk to the POOPER!

This is something thats always gotten on my nerves...really really gotten on my nerves.
One of my worst" do not talk to me in the pooper" moments came when I was a freshman living in Crawford. Persuant to me carrying out my hygenic duty to myself in the bathroom at crawford, I heard a voice from the stall next to mine.
"Why are you standing...are you going to take a sh*t or what?"
I replied," I'm putting some tissue on the toilet seat because I'm molysomophobic or afraid of contimination through dirt especially bathrooms."
"OH, I do that myself...I hate how cold the toilet seats are when you first sit on 'em..."--said the voice
right...I said; this person turned out to be one of the most annoying individual in the dorms during my freshman year.

Moving on... a similar thing happened at the greyhound station while I was doing my hygenic duty when some random guy walked into the stall next to me and said;
"Hey Bro you know what time it is?"
what the fuck man, do wait until someone's straining to drop a load and then walk in the stall next to them and ask for the time. Oh and while you're at it, why don't you ask me where I'm from and what brings me to a greyhound station and maybe my favorite color.

This guy made it very difficult for me to take a decent sh*t because of how much he talked and how terribly his shit stunk. For God's sake man, why dont you go to the very last stall, there were eight of them for God's sake. Don't call me bro when I'm just in the bathroom trying to releve myself.
It's people like yourself that make like harder for quiet people like me....I just want to observe and not talk so much, Damn a**hole.


It doesnt help to read about the lives of the rich (not famous) now and days. I spent some time reading about Mark Zuckerberg the creator of facebook and the succes of the FACEBOOK phenomenom so far.

It was a few months or weeks ago, just before Halloween, I was talking to a friend of mine when that said friend mentioned something about a facebook and its growing popularity as a social network on college campuses. I was on FACEBBOOK the next day and saw the idea itself as facinating...though I was no MYSPACE kind of person...I saw FACEBOOK as extremely convenient and well purposed.

I like FACEBOOk and what it has achieved in so short a time. it was something really hard to do considering the chokehold other entities like MYSPACE and FRIENDSTER had on the market during the absence of FACEBOOK.

FACEBOOK has now become a verb like google....(I can't come by tonight FACEBOOK me later when you have the chance) it's amazing what Zuckerberg has done....which goes by that saying "If you build it, they will come"--not counting Highland Hills because it is the most dilapidated living space known to me.

The internet is a great equaling factor...a century ago, it would have been almost impossible for a person of Mark's age to have any succes unless he was a baron of some major U.S commodity like steel, rubber and so forth.

Not only is Facebook a is fast up to the ranks of becoming a major player in tech arena opposite big names like GOOGLE, YAHOO, MYSPACE and such.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

NO GOAPELE:( and I'm leaving

I'm up at..let me see here, 2:06, writing this Blog because I missed one of my favorite women...ha well not one, but if she was. I've spent the last 3 years listening to GOAPELE and following her carreer. I got hooked when I listened to her first song "Closer", man I'd pay anything to have her sing me to sleep. I thought she'd never come around this area but She did stop by on Dec. 2 in Minneapolis and I must have been doing some other shit because I missed it and it would have been a great time. Maybe I'll see if I can check her out when I go to California.

Ok..I'm going to see my two other favorite women...Shakina and Fatima, my little sisters.
I'm saving up all my energy, I'ma gunna need 'em!

I'll wrestle with them, watch Powerpuff Girls, make Cookies, swim with my little brother, draw, paint...oh man, excitation overload. Excitation ... I dont even think thats a word, well it is now.

Sometimes its just great to forget the world, forget about yourself and just get down with the little ones, aint nothing like it, I'll tell ya man.

There is however a downside to going home, I'm saving up some positive argument for my mother, I call it the argument to save my hair. So this is how the dialoque is gonna go as soon as I get there.

Claude: Hey!!! man i missed all y'all.
Female Head of House: aint got money for a haircut boy?
Male Head of House: how you doing?...I gotta go pick something up brb.
Claude: k, pops
Female Head of House: Dear Lord, tommorows sunday, i can't have you going
to Church with Hair like that.
Claude: Huh?
Female Head of House: You look like a homeless with hair like that, you gotta cut it.
Claude: I can't...(murmurs)
Female Head of House: Oh yeah you do
Claude: The Winter's much worse in Minnesota, if I cut it, I'll get pneumonia and I
Dont have money to buy medicine.
Female Head of House: thats ok you can wear a hat.
Claude: I'm not going to cut it, period.
(This conversation will go on after I return from CHRISTmas break, ,watch for 'da sequel)

Friday, December 16, 2005

A momentary lapse of reason

Today is my days to blurt randomness... we all love randomness

ok..ok..nothing coming to me yet. I woke up at 4:00pm today still a bit tipsy from last night,
is that even possible. I couldn't stay in bed and wait for everything to wear off, I went to the gym and ran 'bout 4 miles, sweated out all 'em toxins from my body. God dang I feel banged up.


I'm not a big fan of headaches, especially headaches that send you into an almost demented state while you're asleep. It's crazy man... things are never what they seem. The leaf is bright green on the top but on the bottom end, its dusty, bruised and not so great looking.

I want to see my favorite person (Shakina)....theres something healing about watching powerpuff girls with her all night. Who knows what next year will bring..oh WTF who cares, its just the continuation of time and pace.


Sunday, December 11, 2005


I am please to announce to you my dear peepers and voyeurs : now that the Heisman has been announced, I will go back to my normal schedule which reads something like this
Thank you

I'd missed out on a great documentary called Gunner Palace about the war in Iraq, That came out when my main concern was ----- see i don't even know what my mean concern was, i was raedy to have some fun. Iit was great in the sense that it was raw and what not, but I was wishing I'd see some real &%#$ instead of freestyle contests and dumb Wilf play his guitar all the time, admitted to shooting his gun by mistake into a building and looks very, very inadequate to carry a .50 Cal, Wilf---cool fellow, wouldn't want to be on a patrol with him..... Gunner Palace is cool give her a check out.

This week I went back to creating some new stuff, throughout this break....I hope I get to comsume some BUD LIGHT, other than that, its soda...or pop whatever you wish...for me throughout.

Today I sat with my Sam Cooke album and created a site for a fake restaurant in Mankato, for my slowly growing portfolio.
Then I ate cereal and called my moms to confirm my ticket number.

When I sit by myself usually have a lot on my mind but sitting in front of the computer takes it all seriously have to tell me if this is really interesting. When I write all this stuff I'm usually just talking to myself and my fingers do what they have to do.

I think I'm ready for next semester.....I want to go to California ( San Diego, L.A, San Jose, San Fran, Santa Barb, etc) for Spring Break, Turkey for the Summer..if only money grew on trees, then I'd hijack a bulldozer, lay a tree down, put a barrier around it and hire arm gun men to shoot and kill any one who came within two yards....thats a very short distance.

My Ebay parnters must be getting pretty mad at me... I haven't shipped their stuffs yet, I know I'll do that tommorow.

man its almost 2006 and I'm 21, just yesterday it was 1980 something and I was swallowing pennies by mistake, melting gum in my hair, burning harmless bull-frogs, swimming in blood-red water and almost drowning numerous times.

I'm not older than I was a while ago or even mature.....that must be bad news, but I've gotten gentler, nicer, more attentive and more everything.

Friday, December 09, 2005

I think, I think, I think and I thought

I'm waiting for the big news tommorow, is it going to be Bush, Lineart, or Young? personally I'm leaning towards Bush. Though Lineart would be a good choice, I think Bush carried the game with his crazy acrobatics.

Young would be a good choice but, his team's in second and I just wouldn't be happy to see Texas win.

So I'll go to bed early, wake up early, turn on my TV tommorow and wait for the ceremony on TV.

Today....I'm really angry, I think or thought. While watching the news yesterday, I saw that the "MAN" was authorized by the supreme court to take money from the social security check of some eighty year old guy because he owed money in student loans...#@!*%#%$!

If I may break this down for you please,
-Students currently owe 5 Billion dollars in Student loans
-The war in Irag costs approximately the U.S 57 Billion dollars a month
- So we might estimate that the costs accrues to 1.9 billion dollar a day ( thats a lot of expired presidents)
- So we might say "If we just chilled in Iraq for a month or so, a lot of students would get to go to school including a lot of soldiers who signed up for educational bonuses and got shipped out.

Sometimes even I think I make no sense in what I'm saying. i just go on and on and on.

Apart from the Heisman ceremony on T.V tommorow, I have nothing to look foward to, stupid winter weather.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Oh Man Heisman!

For the next week or so, apart from eating and using the bathroom, I have one other thing on my mind, THE HEISMAN announcement. It'd be great to have Leinart and Bush win it in succesion.

All I have to say is that Lineart is a great QB and comes up with some crazy stuff that makes you smile and thank God for people like him. Bush on the other hand is something completely different. He's like an acrobat and a gladiator mashed into one crazy good player who doesnt really care about anything but leading USC to Victory.

I remember two of the most memorable plays from the USC vs. UCLA game where Lineart throws the did the pump fake, handed the ball to Bush, ran a few yards , recieved the ball from Bush and almost had a touchdown, it was Unorthodox.

Another great play was Bush's flying acro-man touchdown. It's all crazy to see. I really hope that USC crushes Texas in the Rose Bowl, stupid Texas.

anyways......I'm on edge and waiting, theres nothing more to do but wait-n-sit.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I am still a Minor (in a good way)

Today, I took a test to find out my real age and after answering some mundane questions and some pretty interesting ones, I found out that my real age is 14.4 years, its like I have to start all over again. Dang this is not gonna be good.

Today is very very cold....very very cold, It's even colder coming from the gym dripping in sweat in bone chilling temperatures. I have a lot on my mind at this moment. Sundays are slow in Mankato. If i was home I'd just be getting back from church, going to Bed because although i love Jesus, it really sucks to sit in the same spot for over two hours.

Today I watched a recording of myself that I took a few years ago when I'd just gotten to Mankato and I was astonished to see how much things (me) have changed.

Time is fast approaching for the demise of Stanley "Tookie" Williams, whos about to be took by the angel of death a.k.a (lethal injection) for killing four people. Man I dont think that killing people who have commited crimes solves anything but I do think Stanley should have to pay for some shit he did. He killed them innocent people, especially the poor guy at the grocery store when he told him, "you can take the money man, just don't hurt me". Even Stanley told people that for something upwards of 30 years he was hell-bent on causing trouble. there's one thing I have to say.....Your books are good and show that you have changed Stanley, and they will live on forever ( I think) but you my brother has got to DIE. you know I'm not serious right?

I am hungru and need to eat something.....

Saturday, December 03, 2005

la jolie fille ne pas pleurent

"When the whole world fits inside of your palm, do you really need to pay attention to the Alarm?"

I've been on a slow spiral lately. My sleep schedule isn't getting any better. I sleep in the day and stay awake at night. I'm a nocturnal nightmarish wreck.

It's been a while since I've watched WWF wrestling, I stopped believing when I was 15, man I couldnt believe i was fooled for that long. I remember wanting to fight someone when they said wrestling and all the great drama that unfolded every night was fake...FAKE!!! I'll show you fake!!!!

Well..anyways I woke up yesterday to find the TV tuned to wrestling, being that I was so tired and couldn't make myself to wake up, I was forced to watch and to tell the truth I felt like it was real, those wrestlers are great actors man...well them and some criminals that lie in court.

What do you do on a day like this when the weather is terrible...very very terrible. i can't go for a walk or a run, I dont like being shut in, its a terrible feeling.

I have a lot to do before Winter Break, i just hope that i can get it done in time...time is a terrible thing when you're behind, when you're ahead time seems insignificant.

I'm happy to see my younger sister again...she makes my heart smile.

I haven't done much designing or anything lately, I'm catching up on some sleep and my own thoughts for the moment. I can't wait for Spring, i love to see the ice melt and the water rushing down the drains, the new grasses growing...spring is a great time to be alive, winter....not so great.

I'm looking foward to a NANO for a Christmas gift, not that I'm an ungrateful person or anything, but I can tell you that I'll be real mad if I get some stupid pair of shoes and a dress shirt for christmas...I could walk barefooted for all I care...just get me NANO momma.

War is a terrible thing man...all these 19 and something year olds dying in IRAQ, the news just says something like "Eleven others were injured", but it doesnt say how they might be disfigured for the rest of the lifes or how they might never look and feel like the person they once were.

--I remember watching "OVER*THERE" and this marine said something like this--
" During the Civil Rights era, the people or Montgomery and the surrounding areas would get together every Friday and pray, this really give them strength to continue fighting for what they believed in and they were somewhat able to win that fight, these Arabs pray two times every day, they're ready to die on a do you think we're ever going to win ?"