These are just random thoughts coming to my head
* I've always wondered why people like Pirates and what not, if you'd ever gotten caught by those guys on a ship they'd butcher you like ..... I dont know...meat.
* My cereal tastes really great with whole milk, I dont understand why theres such a thing as 2% milk, people get more fat from from some stupid "fun sized" candy bar.
* I concur with myself that the Miami Dolphins cheerleaderrs are the best looking in the world, though I do still think that cheerleaders in sports other than cheerleading are completely useless....absolutely, completely useless. They could just have naked pictures of them on the field or whatever and I'd be happy.
*Why is the army suddenly using the phrase "an army of one?" hmm, might not be that they're trying to attract the fiercely independent adolecent of today who might feel like they might drown themselves in a pool of meaningless numbers if they ever do make the mistake join. I've got a good slogan for the army, "KILL or BE KILLED!"
* So my favorite show this year so far behind, "Into the west" and "Over There" has to be "The Crusaders: Cresent and the sword" which asked the question, " Can a President finish what a king, A Sultan and a Pope began?", well I dont know, did the pope have guided missles, did Kings of Ancient have M-1 Abrams tanks? you go figure.
* So "fity cent" came out saying Kanye West was wrong about Bush and that his remarks were unwarranted. Well he didnst say that last word at least. Man I knew it was going to come someday. . . a moment of intelligence from Curtis "FITY Cent" jackson, the most ignorant, _____ly, demeaning human being to be embraced by corporate America comes out and says something meaniful, this day was long overdue.
*Man it must have sucked fighting in those wars where they used swords, I shiver thinking about it.
*Oh B.E.T the bastion of African_American morality presents their
monday schedule3 a.m--5 a.m Uncut ( bringing you the hotest in booty shaking videos short of a gangbang porno
5 a.m--7 a.m Tavis Smiley Presents ( a chance for you to repent after watching your booty shaking marathon)
7 a.m--9 a.m _______ (more church shows comin at ya sucka, I dont even know the names)
9 a.m-- 11 a.m Informercials (gotta get some collection, some money please?)
11 a.m-- 3 p.m something to do with sports ( _____)
3 p.m---9 p.m Inane bs marathon ( fill in the blank _____)
9 p.m--1 p.m --------------------------
Discalimer: B.E.T does not confirm these listings, do not sit at your Tv waiting for them.
* I seriously do not know how many sons Bob Marley has, he was busy.-
have a good night-