Monday, November 27, 2006


Vieux Toure is bound to be an international star.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My Thanksgiving prayer

On Thanksgiving when every one will be doing everything other than giving thanks...
I pray and give thanks for

  • The Health that God has given me despite so many people being ill.
  • My ability to wake up every morning without problems be it physical or mental.
  • For all that I have: my health and wealth ( compared to millions of people in countries where having the common necessities are considered a luxury)
  • My friends and family, especially my mother who has stuck by my side throughout my life.
  • For the life I live which does not fall victim to this society's ills and faults.
  • For the millions across the world who at the exact moment while America eats and gorge will feel the stabbing pain of hunger.
  • For the poverty stricken who have no way out of their situation but a helping hand.
  • For the homeless who have nowhere to lay their head at night but a hard pavement.
  • For children all over the world who have been orphaned because of war, disease, and family strife.
  • For leaders of the world who understand that peace is the only means and methods that will allow people the chance to pick themselves up from the bottom.


what is your prayer?

I want an Emoze

I think I should be catching up to all of the office people who check their e-mails every thirty seconds while at their desk. Whats a guy to do though if he doesn't sit at a desk but wonders around campus looking for something to eat from the food court or 'crapeteria'?

Get my Emoze on!

I think some administrators on campus that travel a lot will be receiving an Emoze as part of the school's technological uplift. Why are these guys getting the Emozes and not us? After all this thing is pretty sweet...after I went to their site and saw a full product description and capability. ( Check it out Nate!)

Emblaze Ltd. has been released emoze 1.30 the world's first free and secure "push" email and PIM service. With emoze 1.30 Personal Edition, anyone with a compatible mobile phone can receive work or home emails and Personal Information Manager (PIM) data such as contacts and diary scheduling on their mobile phone, or PDA on the move, anywhere in the world.

As a REAL 'push' email service, emoze 1.30 will automatically push your emails and PIM data to your phone as soon as it is sent to you without you having to pro-actively connect to a service every time you want to send or receive. For the past few years, this type of service has been available mainly in a very costly package and mostly restricted to a specific hardware and software platforms such as the Blackberry and thus limiting mass market adoption.

emoze 1.30 removes such barriers with a totally free, simple, flexible, and secure service, creating significant savings for corporate users and consumers alike.

To use emoze 1.30 all you need to have is an email account and a compatible device; the interface will be familiar to anyone who's used a traditional email program. The emoze software can be downloaded free from and set up quickly and simply.

emoze technology is particularly focused around personal and corporate privacy, providing one of the best security solutions available for mobile email. emoze does not gather or send information from users' PCs or in-boxes.

There are no cookies, no spywares and no duplication of user data on emoze servers.

See for yourself:

Monday, November 20, 2006

Back to normality

It's announced that Fox affiliates all across the nation will be pulling the "If I did it" thanksgiving special following protests from many individuals. In the special, O.J Simpson would have 'hypothetically' described how he would have killed his woman if he had done so. After it was announced that the special would be pulled from the air, the streets went back to 'as they had been'. No more murders, prostitution, drug use and corruption, and people looked forward to the guilt and sin free tradition of 'THANKSGIVING'.

Victoria's secret

I like watching the Victoria Secret fashion show on T.V, but I've come to thinking: why aren't there any Victoria Secret Super models with an Afro? And not just a regular afro too, the kind to make Foxy Brown jealous. All of the black models ( if theres ever been that many) have to be bald or wear the Mia Wallace wig.

What wouldn't be sexier than seeing a Victoria Secret angel with huge wings and an even bigger AFRO!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Save Room

Yeah , there she is. Right there with the black dress and crazy sexy @z afro . I could have sworn that I did nothing but stared at John legend 2nd female backup singer until she looked me directly in the eye ( or at least thats what I think) I was smitten. It's one of those situations where you think "man if I had a million dollars, what I wouldn't give to love her"... but moving on, if you ever do see John Legend in concert, look out for her. What a beauty!

A while ago a friend of mine and myself went to a John Legend concert after I'd heard his sophomore album 'Once again'. Legend is a great singer and all around great musician. It was as if you were listening to the C.D all over again but possibly even better.

Legend's band was amazing; the cool guitarist with dreadlocks, the drummer with the cool hat, the bassist, keyboardists were all operating as one. John Legend is one of those musicians whose music will be looked on within a decade or two as essentials or part of a soul collection being pitched on T.V by washed up actors and actress. Nevertheless Legend is one artist who deserves the best, and I can't believe hes not getting any radio play. Seeing that radio is really garbage, I'm not supposed to complain but still! people!.

All in all .... great concert, great band and great backup singer that I wish to someday meet in person and possibly marry.

Where does your Facebook go

Facebook has taken on a whole new significance and meaning to a lot of people since its initial growth spurt. Since it's creation, Facebook has become an extension of the people who use them and when the people who use them die... it becomes a well fitting memorial allowing friends and the people who knew them to leave messages mourning the loss of the the individual. Although it might seem a bit 'shallow' and 'pointless' but in todays world, The Facebook is another guest book at an online memorial.

Following the second death of a student at my the University this year, friends (and not necessarily close friends but people this individual had known through the Facebook network) paid a tribute to them on their profile.

Police Work

Reading the newspaper on campus where I use to work a while back, I saw an article by my buddy Oliver and couldn't help but enjoy it and therefore share it to the world. Point well made.

In response to title ,,,,,,, that I was reading in the Reporter dated Thursday October 19, 2006 that pertains to cops shooting someone in the back, I don't think justifying shooting someone in the back for no reason is good. I know it takes a few seconds for cops to draw their gun and pull the trigger. A mistake is a mistake and I think people who make mistakes that lead to people's death should serve some kind of punishment.

People who intentionally kill or murder should serve a severe punishment. If a cop shoots a person who is innocent in the back and gets away with it, it is like a doctor forgetting an instrument in a patient's body after a surgery and getting away with it if it leads to death. If a patient dies due to a major mistake by the doctor he gets punished.

The same thing should apply to police officers: if they kill mistakenly, they should be punished too. If it is a mistake then an investigation should be done to find out what the main reason behind it is. We are human and nobody is perfect. Mistakes can happen but it should not be taken advantage of. When cops begin to shoot people in the back intentionally and still get away with it then it is the system that is to blame. I know that there are cops out there that do not like humans of a different race.

Don't get me wrong, not all cops are bad, but there are lots of bad cops in the system. For example, I was walking down the street one day with a girlfriend of mine who is white. A cop walked up to her and asked her "are you okay?" She replied saying "I am fine". I stopped for a moment and asked what brought about the questioning. I realized my skin color had a lot to do with it. It kind of made me mad.

I realized how cops in generally are out looking for people of other races to persecute in one way or the other. According the article, it says a cop will fire a number of rounds and will not know how many they fired and if the person was facing them or not. I think most of the motive of the cop at that point is intent to kill.

Good job on the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) if they are doing this to find out who is innocent or guilty. Then that is fine; but if they are doing it to justify all the cops that shoot innocent people, I do not agree with them. Cops generally are trained to know when to take a drastic action.

There are lots of intentional killings that happen every year but officers are never convicted. It is hard to dial the 911 number when the officer who is being sent does not like you because of the color of your skin. I will not be surprised if the independent paper that reads "Shot Dead by Police: 30, Officers Convicted: 0" is really true. We still have a long way to go.

Monday, November 13, 2006

...In other news

It's been announced that eating and drinking anything other than water and unleavened bread contributes to the risk of Breast Cancer in women. Super Models were ecstatic.
--The End--

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veterans/Memorial Day

On This day when people commemorate the achievements and sacrifices of men and women who have died in combat as civilians or combatants, I present my thoughts.

Why are wars still fought when all they will most likely create is more death, destruction and the maiming of innocent people ? Why doesn't the current conflicts that have left their marks deter more conflicts? Will wealthy nations ever stop creating better weapons that have made mass killing more efficient?

and while on the issue of commemoration.... look at these guys.
They're actually Malian soldiers who fought in the second World War to rid France of Nazi Germany. Does anyone every hear their story? Hell to-the-mofo-NO! I mean look at these guys! they're being very patriotic about how they fought bravely to protect France and "the free world", its sad that the only thing we really hear about is the D-Day invasion and how great America helped save the second only continent important to human civilization.
I could swear to God that I watch the history channel at least once every day and not once have I seen any programming dedicated to the sacrifice African soldiers made to the end of the war in Europe. To me its just proof that no matter what black people do... we'll always get shafted.

Speaking of getting shafted...whats up with the French Foreign Legion? lazy bastards always trying to find a way to let other people do their shit. All in all... whats the point in wars being fought. Veterans/ memorial day should be a testament to the horrors and sorrows of war and why they should never be fought.

Facebook etiquette

If you've ever been on might have noticed the following.

1. Girls do the most ridiculous things in pictures just so they'll look cool on Facebook.

2. Too many girls have been calling their albums "Bringing Sexy Back", thats a lie.

3. Thanks to Facebook, almost every girl now has a digital camera and will take a picture almost any gotdang where.

But enough of that for now, some of my "Facebook" pet peeves are as follows:

1. Don't take a gotdang picture of yourself over 50 times at different angles. Nobody wants to see your face that many times; and if you're going to take a picture of yourself with your hand sticking out showing that you took that gotdang picture... DON'T HAVE HAIRY ARMS.

2. Be yourself...pleassssee. You don't have to smile in every picture, bend your back, pucker your lips or do some obscene sexual gesture when you know you don't mean it; and whats with stupid people telling me to smile all the time in a picture? what if I just got my gotdang toe stepped on? fyuck am I suppose to smile about?

3. STOP THROWING GANG SIGNS IN YOUR PICTURES: gang signs were only cool in the 90's when really violent/ignant mofos flaunted them. Why the hell are some people so slow to catch up?

4. Add a few naked pictures please... Mark Zuckerberg doesn't care anymore, He already made his money.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Givenchy Pi

Possibly one of the only things that I always want to have around..its a lady killer.

Good bye Ed Bradley

Constantly checking CNN today to monitor the fallout from the elections I was met with sad news instead of an update of some kind.

Now if you don't know Ed Bradley, chances are you're just an idiot or you don't know cool stuff when you see it.

In my opinion; Mr. Bradley was the most professional or at least as professional as any journalist to ever grace the T.V screen on a nationally syndicated news show. He was however able to remain himself while conducting his job with the utmost professionalism. His distinctive trademark of wearing a single earing stud in his left ear during his interviews with celebrities and world leaders alike was one of my arguing points with my mother over my wearing an earing was not such a bad thing. ( She thought the police would target me once they saw an earing in my ear because it showed that I was a criminal).
Rest In Peace Mr. Bradley.... you were a great man to me.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I hate Diddy

I'm really getting to the point where I'm getting to hate seeing Diddy on T.V. This dude annoys me. well thats it... oh wait, I had to watch him on Jimmy Kimmel all night yesterday because I couldn't find the remote and there was no way in hell I was getting up to walk to that T.V just to change channels. I do however------ hate Diddy.

Donald gone?

You've heard it... its all over the place. Donald Rumsfeld leaving his post because of calls from just about every person and organization for his resignation. Well, anyhow he's gone now and shame to all of you people but like I heard Bob Marley say "whenever one door closes another one opens.

Following his resignation today, Mr. Rumsfeld was hired by the Crips Gang organization as the 'Secretary of Offense'. When asked by journalists why Mr. Rumsfeld had been appointed Secretary. D'Brickhard Ronnieriques, press secretary of the Crips organization replied... "we need someone who can crush the opposition for little or no reason, hell even if they aren't opposition. We need to bring cruelism back, just like Justin Timberlake claimed to have brought sexy back. This is the crips gotdang it not the salvation army." He then proceeded to make a total of 55 hand gestures that left the audience bedazzled.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

America's Next Top Alien

Who the hell does Tyra Banks think she is by the way? Not only do ANTM's get less stunning every year... I mean wheres more girls like Adrianne Curry ( Brady marrying self) and Eva Pigford. Oh wait Tyra wants to take it a bit further...isn't this a modeling show? a show about showing other women how they too have a 1 in a million chance to become a professional model?

and if you want people to keep watching the show Tyra "makin some Bank", tell that guy to tone it down a bit... just a bit. Yeah he's a male Diva and what not but tell him to quit trying to upstage the models! PUHLEAZE

Nooooo.....lets make them uglier and more Alien like. Turn away all of our male viewers and keep our hopeful and dreaming female base. Oh wait, we still have catfights.... come back boys! ---recorded from a phone conversation between Tyra Banks and Show producer.

Gotdang!!!! These girls are looking a mess!!!

I love George Bush!

Gotdang Demokratz winning everything... lesser of two evils MoFo's.
Ten reasons why I would chill with George Bush

1. He don't give a gotdang stingin fart about the real world-- the real world SUCKS!! and you all know that shyt. Why you want my dude to be bothered with all this depressing stuff like social security, taxes and what nots. Gotdang mofo a@z suckas.

2. He could say some funny shits--- I'd invite my mean man to every party. Even to my gotdang funeral... cheer up all these fake mourning suckas George.

3. He's got a ranch!--- hella yeah, we'd fill that sucka with nothing but play boy bunnies. Some of the would have to be black, asian and latinas though... can't say no to affirmative action then.

4. He sucks at making jokes!!--- which means I would have taken all his ladies and this would have therefore made him a great wingman. yeah.

5. He played Rugby and I play Rugby-- (---------- ----- ------ ---)

6. He just don't give a FYUK-- some dude somewhere wanna get gangsta on the international stage and what nots... cool. Bush will get all crip and blood on his a@z.

7. He knows how to get that money-- yeah fyuk getting paid 400,000 samoleans. I'd be making some bad a@z deals with any company willing to do it. Like Dave Chapelle said: "I'd do a commercial for pepsi or Coka Cola... to tell the truth you can't tell the difference"

8. He got some NICE!! daughters --- man I'd be in the white house scrubbing floors and cutting some grass just to get close to them twins, and they know how to party too. I like that...real gangsta ish.

9. He'll laugh at anything-- this dude is real frat like, some stupid mofo a@z reporter try to ask question about some distant a@z Iraq war and he laughs in his face.

10. He got my back--He would fyuk some sucka up for me if I was ever messed with at a party. ( If we were buddies to begin with)

Halloween and Flava Flav

You know what people? I hate that NYUH! Flava Flav. I knew from the first day after seeing that show that it would be one of those shows or stations that I feel shy to watch around people of other races. The other one being B.E.T ( Barely Entertaining Television).

Another premonition I feared was the abundance of people going as Flava Flav during Halloween. I coulda sworn some dude just poured shit on his face, tied a thrift store clock around his neck, wore a really really really (one more? ok) really ridiculous looking hat and yelled out Flava Flav all night with his drunk belligerent a@s. Better yet some other "dudes" walk behind him and go "whats up my nigger?"---- "thanks, but I'm not black" he says. . .you don't say.

Worse yet is that black dude who just threw on a clock on his neck and wore another ridiculous hat and yelled Flava Flav. Gotdang! Bruh! even white people felt like you were being lazy.
You could've gone as Bill Gates or something. Wore some Flip Flops, khaki capris, button down shirt and called yourself--- The Yuppy, dada! how easy is that?

Maybe someone should have gone as lil' Wayne. Dang I hate that dude, yeah yeah Hate is a strong word but thats why the gotdang word was invented so gotdang haters like myself could use it right? Who the hell is he to go off yelling about being the best rapper?
Gotdang !!

Britney spears divorces Kevin Spears

Man isn't life just so hard at times? Especially if you're Kevin Federline right now but I doubt that he's moping right now; but instead being as "gangsta and hood" as he can be...NOT!!

Thats way cold Brittney Spears! let a dude have babies with you and then dumb his add just like that? What the hell is he going to be called now and days, huh? Brittney Spears X-husband. SHOOT!! FUGETABOUTIT! If I was "K-Fed", I'd stay married and if not be like Tina Turner man...keep that last name. Kevin Spears....why?
You helped build that dynasty boy. You both made some real bad music together? Don't she remember all o'that? Yeah right, shes probably trying to clean up her act and do another crappy record all by herself K-Spears. Don't let that happen, pump sum'o babies in her. I mean whos gonna help you get some producers for yo "Gangsta, hooded out" albums man?

You did your part man, let it go K-Spears. My advice to you.... Keep the last name.
1. K-FED ---- K-SPEARS
2. Take her to the cleaners son! not only women can be gold diggers.. you already had the sleazy thang going for ya, kna'mean?

What!! yeah!!!

Well here I am again to bytch about some sh*t. The world is filled with ish to bytch about. I mean I could go on and on. Lets instead just have a chosen few

1. Southern Rap -- I mean rap has a bad name as it is; but thanks to skill-less , rhyme-less southern call and response rappers, everything has become a joke but it is a bit hard to hate though.... sometimes its a bit too catchy.

2. People who get too much recognition, ( for doing too little) --
Kanye West: so you made some good stuff but that doesn't mean that 90 % of your songs aren't made from other songs.
Kevin Federline: hey man aren't you married to B. Spears? good job... now take a hike.
Diddy: yeah yeah you really know how to sample 80's songs, don't try to rap now.

3. Money-- I mean this shyt's real nice but why can't we all be rollin in it? seriously

Real good TV

Yeah yeah Kirstie Alley was on Oprah yesterday and got semi naked to show Oprah how much weight she had lost and what not. Now, it would have made really good T.V if she would have stripped down to nothing, walked over to Oprah and gave her a good long sloppy one and proceed to slap her on the backside... and then invite Oprah's "best buddy" Gayle to join the feast. I would have been on Youtube in no time straining my eyes to enjoy that scene.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A short read

A post on one of my favorite blogs was a while back grabbed my attention. It's interesting how devilish some people can be sometimes. As it's always said...only God can be the judge of us all, so may God judge us all well.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The art of retouching

Ever seen someone in a magazine spread or something like that and thought to yourself..."wow, this person looks super airbrushed or whatever."
Well it ain't airbrush anymore... you just got Photoshop fooled. Nothings believable anymore. Case in point.

Glen Feron's site on the art of Photoshopping -- includes before and after photos of people who have been Photoshopped for actual magazine layouts.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Kanye West embarasses himself

Kanye West in photo complains alongside winners Justice and Simian at the MTV Europe Music Awards at The Bella Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark, Thursday Nov. 2, 2006. West apparently was so disappointed at not winning for Best Video that he crashed the stage Thursday in Copenhagen when the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for “We Are Your Friends." In a tirade riddled with expletives, West said he should have won the prize for his video "Touch The Sky," because it "cost a million dollars, Pamela Anderson was in it. I was jumping across canyons."---- all i can say is that, thats real gay Kanye. Who do you think you are? God? Negro puhleaze!

Ms. Smith?

I had no idea Ms. Smith, (Jada Pinkett Smith that is ) was a rocker. The band (Wicked Wisdom) sounds good but her voice and possibly lyrics? are hurting the players efforts to make this song sound good. Anyways kudos to her for doing something different and not going with the norm.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mac vs. PC

what happens when Steve Jobs a.k.a ( a new I POD every month because I want to seem cutting edge when in reality the same quality sh*t's been released by Sony or Samsung over in Asia) goes against Bill Gates a.k.a ( money aint a thang)?

Ponder no more